Female Hair Transplant Overview & Cost 2024 - NeoGraft

Hair Transplant for Female

A hair transplant for women is taking a small portion of hair from a healthy part of your own scalp. This area is then stitched up carefully to leave a minimal scar. The hair from the strip is then transplanted to the area with thinning or no hair, helping to restore a natural look. This procedure is safe and effective for women experiencing hair loss.

Causes and patterns of hair loss in females:

What are the main causes of hair loss in females?

There are many reasons women may lose their hair, including:

  • Damaged Hair Follicles roots can make hair fall out.
  • Quick weight loss or unhealthy eating habits
  • High stress can lead to hair falling out.
  • Using strong chemicals on hair, like dyes and straighteners, can cause damage to your scale .
  • Health issues such as thyroid, anemia, or not having enough vitamins or treatments like chemotherapy or radiation can lead to hair fall out.
  • Hormonal changes (pregnancy or menopause)
  • Family history can run hair loss, if your parents or grandparents had hair loss, you might too.

What are the common patterns of hair loss in females?

In female pattern baldness:

Book Consultation For Female Hair Transplant

  • Hair becomes thinner on the top and crown of the head. It usually starts with a wider part in the center of the hair.
  • Christmas Tree Pattern of hair loss often looks like a Christmas tree shape when viewed from the back.
  • Hairline at the front usually remains the same, except for the normal changes that come with age. Women usually don’t lose all their hair like men. The hair becomes thinner but doesn’t lead to complete baldness.
  • If the hair loss is because of certain hormones (called androgens), the hair on the head becomes thinner while the hair on other parts of the body might not be affected.

How does hair loss in females differ from hair loss in males?

Hair loss happens differently, and it can be helpful to know what to look for when examining the scalp.

In Men:

  • Men often start losing hair from the forehead, creating an “M” shape.
  • The hair on the top, especially around the crown (back part of the top), becomes thin.
  • The hair becomes finer and thinner.

In Women:

  • Women usually lose their hair from the middle part of the top of the head and the front.
  • When you part a woman’s hair in the middle, the line where the parting is becomes wider due to hair loss.
  • Single hair becomes thinner but usually it’s around the middle part of the head.

Hair transplant procedures for females

What is the procedure for a female hair transplant?

The female hair transplant procedure is similar to the male one. Hair is taken from the back or sides of the head and transplanted to thin or bald areas. There are two methods: FUT, A strip of skin with hair is removed (donor area), and then the area is closed with stitches. The strip is divided into smaller sections and transplanted., and FUE, Individual hair follicles are taken directly (donor area) and transplanted to the thinning areas. Dr. Nav Vikram recommend FUE technique for female hair transplant, reasons mentioned below:-

What are the advantages of FUE hair transplants for females?

  • Minimal Scarring: As it leaves tiny scars that are nearly invisible, even with short hair. Unlike the strip method, uses a small punch blade, causing minimal damage.
  • High Precision: The procedure uses advanced technology to precisely remove hair follicles. This ensures that most of your hair remains untouched and the donor area looks natural.
  • Less Pain: You only need local anesthesia and can go home the same day. Most patients experience little to no discomfort. As it is less painful then other methods.
  • Quick Recovery: FUE is less painful, meaning you can return to your daily activities the next day.
  • Better Technology: Modern tools make it a superior choice, offering the most accurate and effective hair transplant.

In summary, it offers minimal scarring, high precision, less pain, quick recovery, and uses advanced technology for the best results.

FUE hair transplant

Is hair transplant effective for female androgenetic alopecia?

Hair transplant can be a good solution for women with androgenetic alopecia, is a type of hair loss. This makes your hair thin and fall out, especially from the top of the head. A hair transplant involves taking hair from one part of the scalp, usually where hair is thicker, and moving it to the thin or bald areas.

Many women see good results with hair transplants. The new hair looks natural and can grow like normal hair. Not everyone is a good candidate, and the success can depend on how much healthy hair you have. However, it’s important to talk to a doctor to see if a hair transplant is right for you.

Costs and recovery of female hair transplant:

What is the cost of a hair transplant for females?

The cost of a hair transplant for women in India depends on various factors like where you get it done and what kind of procedure you need For getting a gorgeous as well as natural look. Usually, the cost of a full-head hair transplant ranges from Rs. 35,000 to Rs. 75,000

What is the recovery process like after hair loss surgery?

  • Your doctor may ask you to avoid any hard work or heavy lifting for a few days. So make sure after the surgery, you will need to take proper rest.
  • Facing issues like pain or any kind of discomfort in the area where the surgery is done so your doctor will suggest you some painkillers that will help you out.
  • It’s normal to have some swelling and redness on your scalp. This should go away after a few days.
  • Following up with the doctor is important as you will need to go back to the doctor for check-ups to make sure everything is healing well. They might remove stitches or give you more instructions.
  • Your doctor will guide you when and how to wash your hair. You need to be very gentle at first and use a special shampoo if they tell you to.
  • Avoid Sun and avoid hot places like saunas for a while. This helps your scalp heal better.
  • It’s important to avoid scratch or pick at your scalp, even if it itches. This can cause problems with healing.
  • It can take a few months for new hair to start growing. Be patient and follow your doctor’s advice.
  • Eating healthy foods items, drink enough water, and avoid smoking and drinking. This can help your body heal faster.

Choosing the best hair transplant services

If you’re looking for a best female hair transplant surgeon for female hair loss, NeoGraft Hair Clinic, led by Dr. Nav Vikram, is a great option. Located in Chandigarh, it offers a welcoming environment and helpful staff, making your visit comfortable. If you’re within 100 to 150 kilometers away, coming to Chandigarh is feasible. Dr. Nav Vikram and team have done 7000+ successful procedures at NeoGraft Hair Clinic.

Dr. Nav Vikram specializes in treating hair loss in women, providing effective solutions tailored to individual needs. They offer professional care and affordable treatments, ensuring you receive the best possible results. Whether you’re dealing with thinning hair, bald patches, or other concerns, NeoGraft Hair Clinic in Chandigarh is committed to helping you regain your confidence with safe and reliable procedures.

hair transplant services

Additional Information:

How effective is hair weaving for female baldness?

Hair weaving is one of the good ways to cover up female baldness. It uses fake hair, unlike hair transplantation, where real hair is moved to bald spots. This fake hair looks like real hair but does not grow. It covers the bald spots well, making the hair look natural.

Even though it is not real hair, it looks genuine. When hair transplantation is not possible, hair weaving is the best choice. It is considered the best way to hide hair loss when other treatments can’t be used.

What is involved in female hair weaving?

Hair weaving is a popular way to change your look, add volume, and make your hair look beautiful. It can be done by a professional hairdresser to ensure it looks natural and lasts longer.

  • Choosing: Select the hair type you want to use and it can be real human hair or synthetic (man-made) hair.
    Preparation: The hair is washed and dried or sometimes coloring is done to match your natural hair.
  • Braiding: Your natural hair is plated into small, tight plates close to your scalp. These plates act as the base where the new hair will be attached.
  • Sewing: The new hair is stitched onto the plates using a special needle and thread. The hair is attached firmly so it stays in place.
  • Styling: After the weave is stitched in, the hair is styled to blend with your natural hair. You can style it accordingly like cutting , curl, or straightening.
  • Caring: It’s important to take care of your weave like time to time washing hairs, conditioning them, and making sure it stay clean and neat.

What is the recovery process like after hair loss surgery?

  • Your doctor may ask you to avoid any hard work or heavy lifting for a few days. So make sure after the surgery, you will need to take proper rest.
  • Facing issues like pain or any kind of discomfort in the area where the surgery is done so your doctor will suggest you some painkillers that will help you out.
  • It’s normal to have some swelling and redness on your scalp. This should go away after a few days.
  • Following up with the doctor is important as you will need to go back to the doctor for check-ups to make sure everything is healing well. They might remove stitches or give you more instructions.
  • Your doctor will guide you when and how to wash your hair. You need to be very gentle at first and use a special shampoo if they tell you to.
  • Avoid Sun and avoid hot places like saunas for a while. This helps your scalp heal better.
  • It’s important to avoid scratch or pick at your scalp, even if it itches. This can cause problems with healing.
  • It can take a few months for new hair to start growing. Be patient and follow your doctor’s advice.
  • Eating healthy foods items, drink enough water, and avoid smoking and drinking. This can help your body heal faster.



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