DHT- What you need to know - NeoGraft

DHT Hair Transplant: What You Need to Know

Hair transplant techniques can be broadly divided into two basic categories: FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) and FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation). Here’s a breakdown of how these categories have evolved and led to the development of DHT and DHI techniques:

Basic Techniques: FUE and FUT

There are three steps involved in any hair transplant 

Extraction – In this step hair roots are extracted from donor area. Donor area can be any part of body. Normally we take scalp as a donor area, but this can be beard , chest, hands legs, pubic area, axilla.

Storage – Grafts extracted in previous step are stored in solution outside the body. This solution can be normal saline, ringer lactate, or plasma (not recommended). Once extraction is over we move to next step.

Plantation – Insertion points are made in bald area, in simple words small holes are created in bald area with special instruments. The extracted grafts are planted one by one in bald area, or inserted in holes. This insertion can be done with different tools.

entire modification in techniques is based upon modification in these three steps, either variation in time of each step or the instruments used in these steps.



Extraction: Involves extracting individual hair follicles from the donor area using dental motors.

Storage : After extraction, the grafts are stored outside the body in normal saline or ringer lactate before being implanted.

Plantation: Insertion sites or holes in scalp are made with simple hypodermic needle.



 Extraction: A strip of scalp is surgically removed, and hair follicles are extracted from it under the microscope. 

Storage : After extraction, the grafts are stored outside the body in normal saline or ringer lactate before being implanted.

Plantation: Insertion sites or holes in scalp are made with simple injection needle.

so storage and plantation are are same as in fue hair transplant.


Advancement from FUE to DHT (Direct Hair Transplant)

DHT is an advancement of FUE.

Extarction: The extraction process is with dental motor , which is similar to FUE.

Storage: Graft storage time outside body is limited or is sometimes  eliminated completely and  the graft storage step is ommited. 

Plantation : Slits or holes for inserting grafts is done with injection needle as in fue. Grafts are planted immidiately after extraction. This reduces the time the grafts are outside the body, resulting in improved survival rates and a more efficient procedure.

    Advancement from DHT to DHI (Direct Hair Implantation)

    • DHT is an advancement of FUE.

    Extraction: The extraction process remains similar to fue i.e dental motor .

    Graft Storage: In DHI technique, graft storage time outside body is limited. Some clinics prefer immidiate insertion of grafts. 

    Plantation: Implanters are often used in hair transplants, but studies show they cause similar levels of trauma to the scalp as traditional FUE techniques. These implanters are essentially needles with a steel rod inside. The process involves loading the graft into the needle, which is then inserted into the skin with the graft inside the needle barrel. Once the needle is positioned, the steel rod pushes the graft into the skin, leaving it in place. This technique, while precise, does not significantly reduce tissue injury compared to other methods.

      Advancement from DHT to DHI (Direct Hair Implantation)

      • DHT is an advancement of FUE.

      Extraction: The extraction process remains similar to fue i.e dental motor .

      Graft Storage: In DHI technique, graft storage time outside body is limited. Some clinics prefer immidiate insertion of grafts. 

      Plantation: Implanters are often used in hair transplants, but studies show they cause similar levels of trauma to the scalp as traditional FUE techniques. These implanters are essentially needles with a steel rod inside. The process involves loading the graft into the needle, which is then inserted into the skin with the graft inside the needle barrel. Once the needle is positioned, the steel rod pushes the graft into the skin, leaving it in place. This technique, while precise, does not significantly reduce tissue injury compared to other methods.

        Moving From DHI to NEO-dhi

        Now moving further neoDHT is more advanced than DHI/DHT

        which improves upon DHI by using cutting-edge tools like nano motors and sapphire blades.

         Neo DHT offers:

        • Higher precision
        • Less trauma
        • Better graft survival rates than FUE,DHI/DHT.

        NeoPlatinum DHT is the most advanced hair transplant technique, developed by Dr. Nav Vikram, incorporating cutting-edge technology for optimal results. Here’s how Neo DHT works:

        Grafts Extraction

        • NeoPlatinum DHT uses advanced nano motors weighing only 23 grams and operating at a low speed of 600-700 RPM. This low speed reduces the risk of damage to hair follicles during extraction.
        • The nano motors are equipped with a fail-safe mechanism that automatically shuts off if positioned incorrectly, ensuring grafts remain undamaged and leading to a higher graft survival rate.

        Graft Storage

        • After extraction, the grafts are stored in a special culture media that mimics the natural environment of human skin. This prevents graft shock while the grafts are outside the body, ensuring their health and viability until implantation.

        Graft Implantation

        • For implantation, ultra-thin sapphire blades are used to create the recipient sites. These blades are designed to minimize disruption to surrounding hair, reducing the risk of shock loss.

        The precision of sapphire blades ensures seamless graft placement with minimal trauma, providing natural-looking results. The combination of these advanced tools helps Neo DHT achieve a 99% graft survival rate.

        What is the Difference Between DHT, DHI, and NeoDHT?

        9When comparing DHT, DHI, and NeoDHT, significant improvements have been made, particularly in terms of technology and outcomes:

        1. Graft Survival Rate
        • DHT/DHI: Graft survival rates are lower (82% to 85%) due to the use of high-speed dental motors (7,000-21,000 RPM), which can cause graft damage.
        • NeoDHT: Achieves a graft survival rate of 99% to 100% due to the use of slow-moving nano motors (600-700 RPM), which minimize the risk of damage.         
        1. Motor Speed and Technology
        • DHT/DHI: Both use heavy dental motors that operate at high speeds (7,000-21,000 RPM), which increases the risk of damage during extraction.
        • NeoDHT: Uses lightweight nano motors (23 grams), operating at a slower speed of 600-700 RPM, making the procedure gentler and safer for the grafts.
        1. Tools for Inserting Grafts
        • DHT: Uses simple needles for graft insertion, which can cause more trauma and less precision.
        • DHI: Uses a Choi Implanter, a modified needle, which allows for better placement but lacks and is damaging to grafts as it has needles and a steel rod for pushing grafts inside the skin.moreover it lacks the precision needed for dense or delicate areas.
        • NeoDHT: Utilizes ultra-thin sapphire blades and tongs for implantation, providing greater accuracy and minimal disruption to surrounding hair, resulting in a natural and seamless look.
        1. Trauma and Recovery
        • DHT/DHI: The use of high-speed dental motors can cause more trauma during extraction, leading to swelling and longer recovery times.
        • NeoDHT: With slower nano motors and advanced tools, NeoDHT causes minimal trauma, resulting in no swelling and virtually no downtime.
        1. Blood Supply and Final Results
        • DHT/DHI: High-speed motors can reduce blood flow to the transplanted area, impacting graft survival.
        • NeoDHT: Maintains healthy blood flow, ensuring better long-term results and healthier hair growth.
        1. Donor Area Preservation
        • DHT/DHI: These methods may cause damage to the donor area, reducing hair density and affecting the potential for future transplants.
        • NeoDHT: Ensures no collateral damage to the donor area. Even after extracting up to 5,000 grafts, the blood supply remains intact, preserving donor area density.

        Frequently asked questions

        H2 – Who is the Ideal Candidate for a DHT Transplant?

        neo DHT transplant is perfect for individuals who value graft survival over cost. It’s especially ideal for:

        • People with advanced baldness (grade 6 or 7) and limited donor hair.
        • Those who cannot afford to waste grafts due to limited donor availability.
        • Individuals with a busy lifestyle who need minimal recovery time.
        • Anyone seeking fast, natural-looking results without major disruption to their schedule.

        H2 – Are There Any Potential Side Effects?

        Neo-DHT is the safest hair transplant technique, with no reported side effects. It is the only method proven to be side effect-free, making it a highly reliable option. Numerous studies, including those from the National Library of Medicine, have confirmed its safety and superiority over older transplant methods. Neo-DHT further enhances safety by using advanced tools that provide smooth, trauma-free procedures.

        H2 – Does DHT Impact the Transplanted Hair?

        Yes, Neo DHT significantly improves the life of transplanted hair compared to traditional FUE. The risk of damage during extraction is minimal due to the use of advanced nano motors. Additionally, the implantation process is gentle and trauma-free with the use of sapphire blades, ensuring better graft survival and longer-lasting results.

        H2 – What is the Cost of Direct Hair Transplant?

        The cost of Neo DHT ranges from ₹40 to ₹45 per graft, depending on the number of grafts required. This advanced technique uses cutting-edge nano motors and sapphire blades, offering superior graft survival rates and natural-looking results. While the upfront cost of Neo DHT may be higher compared to traditional techniques, its higher success rate and minimal trauma make it a worthwhile investment for those seeking long-lasting and high-quality hair restoration.




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